Assistant commissioner islamabad contact number. Dilawar Khan PMS/BS-17 0333-4910980 9250089 - 16.
Assistant commissioner islamabad contact number 1 Saidpur UC No. The new date will be Sl. Paramjit Kaur: Additional Deputy Commissioner (RD) 0183-2226868: Smt. Khayaban-e-Suharwardi, Sector G-7/4, Islamabad 08:30-16:30 Monday-Friday. com. Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad, Islamabad. gov. The Ministry; Vision, Mission and Values; Organizational Structure Foreign Minister's Office; Designation Name Phone Fax; Foreign Minister: Mohammad Ishaq Dar: 051-9210335: 051-9207600: Director General (FMO) Irfan Shaukat: 051-9203824 Labour Welfare Department, ICT is responsible for the implementation of following Labour Laws in Islamabad Capital Territory: Factories Act, 1934; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; West Pakistan Shops & Establishment Ordinance 1969; West Pakistan Industrial & Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968; Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961 Higher Education Commission, Sector H-9, Islamabad UAN: 051- 111-119-432 For any technical issue generate ticket at onlinehelp. For Registration queries. Assistant Director - Name. Email:[email protected] Facebook; X If you are a permanent resident of Islamabad and want to obtain a domicile certificate from ICT Administration then you should get your already issued domicile cancelled by the issuing authority. 9108342 Assistant Commissioner (IR), Islamabad. Deputy commissioner (popularly abbreviated as "DC" and DCO) is a chief administrative, land revenue officer/collector and representative of government in district or an administrative sub-unit of a division in Pakistan. 30 pm. 2025 and onwards, for the posts of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer are hereby postponed. MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE. : 051-9205213: Name: Mr. 9108343 : Assistant Director (Council) 9108341. If you are an American citizen with an emergency, please call (+92) 051-201-4000. Chairman, Capital Development Authority (CDA) 9253001: 11. EMAIL: chairman@cda. pk 2- Chief Collector of Customs (South) Mr. Residence / Mobile. Assistant Commissioner Saddar acbwpsaddar@gmail. National Commission for Human Rights. Director General, Islamabad. Phone Fax; 1: Muhammad Aurangzeb : Minister for Finance and Revenue : 9213204 9203687: 9213780: 2: Muhammad Asif Hargan : SA to Finance Minister Ministry of National Food Security & Research Government of Pakistan. View FATIMA TARIQ’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community Lahore zone officials contact details Director Email dir. Please feel free to send us your comments, questions, feedback and complaints. 9108343. Corona Reporting System E-NOC; Weather (English) Weather (Urdu) Contact Us. pk; Regional Tax Office-I, RTO-I Karachi. Dilawar Khan PMS/BS-17 0333-4910980 9250089 - 16. pk: 44 Designation Section. His areas of interest include Financial Accounting, Business Finance, and Managerial Accounting. int IOM Migration Health Department (MHD) Islamabad Contact Us . Email: – Contact No(s): 051-9108108 051-9108109 The phone number for Assistant Commissioner Office (Rural) Islamabad is (051) 9247474. pk Chief Commissioner, Large Taxpayers' Office, Islamabad Plot No# 20 Service Road Mauve Area G-9/1, Islamabad . Email: nrpu@hec. 051-9106391,Fax= 051-9106391 S. Ansar Javed Director General 051-9201181 051-9215481 Mr. Assistant Commissioner (Saddar) Relevant Law(s): Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 Timings: Monday – Friday 09:00 AM – 09:00 PM. isb@mohtasib. com: Assistant Commissioner, Abbottabad PLANNING COMMISSION Name & Designation Room Phone Nos. Islamabad, Punjab, and Azad Jammu and Kashmir ⬇ Address: House No 123, Street 81, FECHS Sector E-11/2, Islamabad Office Hours: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (Mon-Fri) Inspire Karachi Office Tel: 📞 021 346 80843 Address: House No A211 Following Additional Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners assist him for carrying out various administrative functions: Additional Deputy Commissioner – General Deputy Commissioner, ICT, Islamabad. Muhammad Azam Islamabad Pitras Bukhari Road, Sector H-8/4, Islamabad. Public Relation Directorate, CDA Secretariat, Block-V, Sector G-7/4, Islamabad Tel: +92-51-9252573 _ CDA TELEPHONE DIRECTORY _ ISLAMABAD Name Designation Office No: Mobile No: Fax E-Mail: Mr. P. CHIEF COMMISSIONER ICT. Top Companies . 080088008. 3 . (North) Lahore North – Ph: 051-9106028Email:fto. Deputy Commissioner (General) Islamabad District 051-9261003 Office of the District Election Commissioner, BLOCK NO. Punjab Land Records Authority - PLRA Government of the Punjab 2-Kilometer Main Multan Road, Opposite EME-DHA Housing Society, Lahore. Tel 1: +92-51-846-3000 Tel 2: +92-51-846-3666 Contact Person (HR) +92-51-846-4210 . Faisal Cheema Headquarter Dr Anum Fatima Shalamar: Dr. islamabad@gmail. Home; About Us. pk; Online Complaint Registration: Service Road Mauve Area G-9/1, Islamabad; Contact Number: 051-9106387; Fax Number: 051-9106389, 051-916406; Email Address: ccir. Assistant Commissioner Ahmadpur East acahmadpureast@gmail. Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Name: M. 20 Serv ice Road Mauve Area,G-9/1 Islamabad. com Computer Programmer Assistant Director (Complaint) Abdul Sattar Telephone No: +92-21-99250129 Facsimile: Assistant Commissioner (Inland Revenue), Karachi. 02. Email: – Contact No(s): 051-9108386 Deputy Commissioner. bwp@gmail. He remained posted as unit Incharge in Large Taxpayers Office, Islamabad during the period from 2008 to 2020 where he dealt with major cases falling in Oil & Gas sector, Telecom Assistant Commissioner at Inland Revenue Service, Pakistan. Telephone +92-51-111-117-327. Toll Free No. Sajid Ali holds a Masters degree in Statistics. View Farhan Ahmad’s profile on LinkedIn, a 10. Free Tools . 0333-1965422. He has a vast experience of working over 20 years in corporate sector. com F&A Section 349 9206492 /349 FINANCIAL ADVISOR OFFICE Fax Number. Currently the Commission consists of following Commissioners: Mr. pk International: +92 51 111 772 772 Timings: 9 AM to 11 PM (Monday to Friday) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OFFICE PAJIAN MOR NEAR 1122 RESCUE OFFICE RAIWAND, LAHORE. Where is Assistant Commissioner Office (Rural) Islamabad located? Assistant Commissioner Office No. Email-Address OFFICE OF MINISTER Federal Minister Assistant to JS 218 9204215 /218 Fax, 9204089 Muhammad Mohsin Virk Deputy Secretary (Admin-I) 227 9216864 cim. Yousaf Rahim: Secretary RR&SD: 091-9212058 Federal Flood Commission Islamabad: 051-9244616: Islamabad: Islamabad: Quick Links. Contact No(s): 051-9108108 051-9108109 His postings in the Federal Government include Assistant Commissioner Islamabad, Secretary Trade Development Authority of Pakistan and on promotion to BS-22, Secretary, National Chief Commissioner is mandated to perform various administrative functions through its various Directorates and exercises the powers of Provincial Government under various laws to the Contact / Extension Email Address; PS to Governor: 9223463 / 123: DE ( Pesh ) OMC / DTE: 9212221, 9211117: Office Fax Number: Commissioner Mardan: 09379230578: Additional Commissioner: Commissioner Mardan: 09379230289: Additional Assistant Commissioner-II DIKhan (Daraban) DIKhan: 0966-9280210: Agriculture Extension DIKhan: DIKhan: 0966 Assistant Commissioner City accity. kazmiahsan099@gmail. 24 Street No. Inspector-General, Frontier Corps KP (North) 091-9211777. M. Check out the ACS Navigator or scan the QR code to access it from your phone. Project Office FBR House, Constitution Avenue, G-5, Islamabad 051-9211841 pdtnt@fbr. com F&A Section 349 9206492 /349 FINANCIAL ADVISOR OFFICE * As the complainants are kept informed regarding complaint redressal activities via SMS, hence, provision of valid cell number is mandatory. no Designation Contact Number; 1: Senior Superintendent Police +92-(0)-5822-930006: 2: Superintendent Police +92-(0)-5822-930410: 3: Deputy Commissioner Assistant Commissioner (Prob) Inland Revenue Regional Tax Office, Lahore Assistant Commissioner (Prob), Regional Tax Office, Faisalabad 63Aiman Shafique Ch. pk. Exchange Numbers; 091 5274340; 091 9213959; Fax Number:091 9214025; Rehabilitation Section:091 Contact No. . Name & Designation : Telephone: E mail adresses: Assistant Director(G/A) 9212473: supdtGA. 42. U. 395/2025) dated 03. CONTACT US. Here you will find news and activities related to 2025 All Rights Reserved, ICT Police is a trademark and service mark of the City of Islamabad Contact - Chief Commissioners/Director Generals/Other Head of Department - Field Offices Address Phone No Email ID Fax Number; 1: Chief Commissioner, Large Taxpayers' Office, Islamabad: Plot No# 20 Service Road Mauve Area G-9/1, Islamabad: 051-9106109, Chief Commissioner, Regional Tax Office, Islamabad: Plot No# 20, Street No. 219,654 likes · 1,961 talking about this. pk for more detailed information. No. Muhammad Aamir Jan: Executive Director Name. National Highway & Motorway Toll Tax Update (July 2024) Updated on July 12, 2024. He holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Bahria University, Islamabad in 2009. Regional and Country Offices. · Civil Servant (PAS) · Experience: Government of Pakistan · Education: National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) · Location: Islamabad · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. 0331-5130465 9250035 9250070 15. The FBR. Address: 6th Floor Income Tax Building Shahra-e-Kamal Contact / Extension Email Address; Commissioner Hazara Division +92-992-9310444 / +92-992-9310111, +92-992-9310222: Deputy Commissioner, Abbottabad +92-992-9310200 / 201, 204: depcomabbottabad@gmail. com Mr. pk Additional Deputy Commissioners Addl. Islamabad Gpo, Federal Capial &AJK, 44000, Pakistan. 14 GM AL-MARKAZ, F-8, ISLAMABAD Jhelum District 0544-9270073 Office of the District Election Commissioner, WAQAS PLAZA, NEAR BISMILLAH MARRIAGE HALL, ISLAM IA HIGH SCHOOL ROAD, MUHAMMADI CHOWK, JHELUM Attock District 057-9316140 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is a regulator established with the objective of developing a modern and efficient corporate sector, insurance, NBFCs and capital markets Contact Us. hec. Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Contact Number: 051 111 772 772; Email Address: helpline@fbr. (Inland Revenue Service/BS-17) Assistant Commissioner (Prob) Inland Revenue Regional Tax Office, Islamabad Assistant Commissioner (Prob), Regional Tax Office, Hyderabad 64Sameena Abid (Inland Assistant Commissioner - RTO LAHORE | Tax Officer | Data Analyst | Google Certified Professional | Microsoft Certified Professional | Contact : fatimatariq. pk Assistant Director. Accountant. Address. Job email : hr@stmu. 9108341 . 89, G 6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan [email protected] 0092 – 51- 2828723. No. All the complaints / suggestions we receive will be forwarded to the concerned department of ICT Administration for their action and response. 1. Regional Tax Office(RTO)Lahore For complaints, general inquires contact us on 1055 and for children contact us 1056. Office OFFICE OF MINISTER Mr. 051-9106109, Assistant Private Secretary: 9008562-9224768-9215724 (Fax PM House) 9: Prime Minister's Office, Prime Minister's Office (Public) Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission-Chairman: 9204276: 205: Prime Minister's Office, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission-Member (Technical: BBIA Islamabad: Director: 9280413: 430: Aviation Division, Airports Captain (R) Muhammad Anwar ul Haq Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi Maleeha Jamal Additional Deputy Commissioner: Captain (R) Shoaib Ali (Revenue) Captain (R) Qasim Ejaz Sno. Contact Us. Muhammad Anwar, Principal, Islamabad Model College for Boys, F-11/3 Islamabad. Mr. He remained posted at Large Taxpayers Unit CONTACT US. Raja Israr joined Inland Revenue Service of Pakistan in 2014. · A civil servant of Pakistan working for the Inland Revenue Service (IRS) of the country under the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). irs@gmail. Passport Office Address Contact ISLAMABAD 1 Islamabad Headquarter DGIP Headquarter, G-8/1 Mauve Area, Islamabad. Mr. munawarsajjad@gmail. We are open Monday to Friday Working hours 9. We will notify you about the action taken ICT Administrtion Complex, Mauve Area, G-11/4, Islamabad. chiefcollector. Budget & Coordination Office . Asad Umar Assistant to JS 218 9204215 /218 Fax, 9204089 Mr. SNO Name Post BPS Section/Field Phone Email; 1: Ms. +92 051-9201938. Blocks, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad Assistant Commissioner (Shalimar), Islamabad | Pakistan Administrative Service | 48th CTP. Hassan Waqar Cheema (Deputy Commissioner) Phone: 057-9316010: Aitezaz Aslam (Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue)) Phone: 057-9316013: Zulfiqar Ahmed (Additional Deputy Commissioner (General)) Phone: 057-9316239: Aitezaz Aslam (Additional Deputy Commissioner (F&P)) Phone: 057-9316122: Muhammad Zaheer Khan (PS National: 051 111 772 772 Email: helpline@fbr. Muhammad Uzman Ch. <br>CSS 2016 - 45th CTP · Experience: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Islamabad · Education: National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) · Location: Lahore Contact Number; Cyber Crime HQ: 2nd Floor, National Police Foundation Building, Mauve Area, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad: 051-9106384: CCRC Islamabad: Street 169, Building 5C, G-13/3, Islamabad: 051-9334627-28: CCRC Rawalpindi: 7A, West Service Road, New Gulzar e Quaid, Rawalpindi: 051-9330719: CCRC Abbottabad Dr. Office Address: ICT Administrtion Complex, Mauve Area, G-11/4, Islamabad. Operational and executive authority of the Commission is vested in the Chairman who is the Commission’s CEO. Abdul Saeed Designation: Accounts Officer Contact No. rahussain@hec. IOM Panama Administrative Centre. Email-Address OFFICE OF MINISTER Assistant to JS 218 9204215 /218 Fax, 9204089 Mr. IOM Manila Administrative Centre. Telephone No. TEL: +92-51-9253003. Follow Twitter Id: @dcislamabad. List of departments under ICT Administration is as under:- Contact No(s) Address; Islamabad Police : 051-9258371-77: Police Lines Headquarters, H-11, Islamabad: Deputy Commissioner Office : 051-9108108 051-9108109: ICT Administration Designation: Assistant Director Contact No. Coordinator. com Regional Tax Office, Islamabad Name Looking for assistance from American Citizen Services? Our ACS Navigator will help you find resources, information and services offered by the U. IOM Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan +92-51. Muhammad Tanvir Akhtar Director (I&I-IR), Islamabad 051-9202771 0300-8568682 tanvir1959@yahoo. registrar@gmail. 29: Umer Kot: Regional Passport Office, near Golimar ground Deputy Commissioner: 0183-2223991: Smt. edu. Zainab Tahir Raiwind Sahibzada Muhammad Yousaf Model Town: Ms. Zia Ul-Qayyum Executive Director, Higher Education Commission Mr. Deputy Commissioner Name: Faiz Ahmad Mohal Phone: 049-9250143 Fax: 049-9250067 Email: dcokasur@punjab. Inspector-General of Police, Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) 9259387: 10. Mukhtar Ahmed Chairman , Higher Education Commission Dr. pk, select NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR UNIVERSITY as service at Add Complain Ticket. Muhammad Amir Deputy Secretary (Admin-I) cim. View Nehel Hafeez’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Shoaib Butt Revenue Muhammad Jafar Headquarter: Hafiz Muhammad Mudasar Nawaz Finance & Planning: Assistant Commissioners: ADNAN BASHIR HR & Coordination. Ch. pk; Staff email : Additional Deputy Commissioners Muhammad Shojain Vistro General: M. V. Akif SaeedChairman Contact Us Contact Us. Processing Assistant Director (Admin) 9108341. pk Phone: 042-99203682 Fax: 042-99203685 Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad Verified account p e S r n s d o t o n 2 g l 6 4 t a a 6 0 f J e 3 l h f f 3 t 8 2 2 0 , 0 f l i 1 i 1 3 7 m u 8 m 9 f 3 f m 9 1 m 2 · S. Leads by Industry . Muhammad Abdullah, PLANNING COMMISSION Name & Designation Room Phone Nos. Contact No(s): Contact Us; contact us. Naeem Sadiq Cheema PMS/BS-17 0333-7455945 062 Contact Fax Email Division District; Mr. 00 am – 4. com Addl. Chairman/ Director General. npf building, 3rd floor, mauve area, g-10/4, islamabad. pk/ Islamabad: Address: Service Road East, Sector H-9, Islamabad. Contact No(s): 051-9108108 051-9108109 Deputy Commissioner, ICT, Islamabad. 2094/2024 (C. Hafiz Dr. Chairman Office, CDA Secretariat. Address; Chief Commissioner Office : 051-9108312-13: ICT Administration Complex, Mauve Area, G-11/4, Islamabad: Islamabad Police : 051-9258371-77: Police Lines Headquarters, H-11, Islamabad: Deputy Commissioner Office : 051-9108108 051-9108109: ICT Administration Complex, Mauve Area, G-11/4, Islamabad: View Sidra Shafiq's business profile as Assistant Commissioner at The FBR. https://onlinehelp. Here you will find news and activities related to The High Commission of Sri Lanka House No. Please contact the office relevant to where you are. Rabya Javari Agha Road, G-8/4, Islamabad. 31 The Islamabad Capital Territory Administration (ICT Administration), (Urdu: دارالحکومت انتظامیہ ، اسلام آباد) generally known as the Islamabad Administration, is the civil administration and the main law and order agency of the Islamabad Capital Territory, which includes the city of Islamabad, the federal capital of Pakistan. 6, Sector, E-8, Phase-7, Hyatabad, Peshawar. Consular hours 9. Office. Mission Pakistan. Commitment to Work, devotion and dedication with persistence are my unmatched strengths. 051-9213886, E-Mail: ombuds. com: Additional Deputy Commissioner, Abbottabad +92-992-9310207 / +92-992-331751: adcabbottabad007@gmail. Sidra Shafiq Current Workplace. com F&A Section 349 9206492 /349 FINANCIAL ADVISOR OFFICE PLANNING COMMISSION Name & Designation Room Phone Nos. Jyoti Bala, PCS: Additional Deputy Commissioner (G) 0183-2226363: Smt. Provincial Election Commissioner (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) 091-9211036 Chief Commissioner, Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) 9108312-13: 9. com · Experience: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) · Education: University of the Punjab · Location: Lahore · 37 connections on LinkedIn. Welcome to the official page of Chief Commissioner Islamabad on Facebook. My areas of interest are Brands and Branding strategies · All departments report to the concerned Directorate under the supervision of Chief Commissioner Islamabad. This portal contains information about the ministers and secretaries of KP Assistant to Commissioner (Rev/GA) AbbotAbad +92-992-9310461 : Commissioner Secretariate, Hazara Division Abbottabad: AbbotAbad +92-992-9310265 : Regional Tax Office(RTO)Islamabad. No TFD/TFC Address Phone No/ Cell No 1 Name/Location of TFDs and TFCs Regional Tax Office, 1st Floor, plot No. Tariq Qadus Principal, Islamabad Deputy Commissioner, ICT, Islamabad. Administrative Centres and Offices. Public Information Officer, CDA. contact@establishment. 2 Assistant Commissioner Rural,Islamabad. Name: Syed Musa Raza Phone: 99211003-4 Fax: 99211005 Email: dclahore@punjab. 273,409 likes · 512 talking about this. : 051-9215437 Email: Saeedqureshi@ntc. Mr Abdul Hameed, Principal, Islamabad Model School for Boys , Khana Nai Abadi, Islamabad 2. 00 am – 2. Please Feel Free to Contact for General Correspondence/ Queries with following Officers: Contact Us Currently selected; Contact Us For any query feel free to contact HEC Call Centre UAN: 111-119-432 Or, 0334 - 111 9432 https://onlinehelp. Rashid Mahmood Langrial CHAIRMAN FBR/SECRETARY REVENUE DIVISION. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. List of departments under ICT Administration is as under:- Contact No(s) Address; Islamabad Police : 051-9258371-77: Police Lines Headquarters, H-11, Islamabad: Deputy Commissioner Office : 051-9108108 051-9108109: ICT Administration Contact Us. Samiullah Khan Head Office, Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretarait, Constitution Avenue G-5/2, Islamabad Phone No. 35777268. com), fax: 051-9217224, post (Wafaqi Mohtasib's Secretariat, 36 Constituiton Avenue G-5/2, Islamabad). 00 pmTime different with Sri Lanka: (0030) Minutes. St,29 Sector I-9/1, Islamabad. Plot No. Vacant . Assistant Registrar Mr. Shoaib Butt Phone: 042-99210614-15 Fax: 042-99210632 Email: revenuelahore@gmail. fax # 9106666 Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony 1 st Floor, Kohsar Complex, T. Similarly, Chief Commissioner Islamabad (ICT) and Commissioner Rawalpindi are also the ex-officio members of the CDA Board. Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani In pursuance of decision of Islamabad High Court in W. Registration/ Technical Office . pk Additional Deputy Commissioners: Addl. 7858-59 (Fax) iomislamabad@iom. All departments report to the concerned Directorate under the supervision of Chief Commissioner Islamabad. 051-111-344-777 2 Islamabad G-10 Regional Passport Office, 13-C, Al-Hussain Plaza, G-10 Markaz, Islamabad. O (Commission) socomm@establishment. Syed Ahsan Ayaz Kazmi. IOM Headquarters. S. Head Office. For any query please feel free to contact on below email: nahe. 051-9239308 3 Islamabad EPO Passport Office, plot 19-a ground floor, Pak Plaza, Fazal-e-haq road Blue Area, Islamabad. 20, Mauve Area, G-9/1 Islamabad 051-9070000 4. Assistant Commissioner Office islamabad in the city Islamabad by the address Unnamed Road, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan Assistant Commissioner, (Industrial Area) Islamabad. The Islamabad Capital Territory Administration (ICTA) is the administration of the Capital City of Contact Numbers of Assistant Returning Officers Location of Offices, Where Returning Officer will received Nomination Papers UC No. Gursimranjeet Kaur, PCS: Assistant Commissioner (General) 0183-2226767: Sh. Where mobile network is converted (porting) SMS cannot be sent. 042-35397610. 091-9211737 (Fax) 091-9211767 S. pk/ For any query feel free to contact HEC Call Centre UAN: 111-119-432 List of Collector of Customs In Pakistan Here is List of Collectorates Address, Phone Number, Fax Number and Email Address. [1] The office-holder belongs to the commission of Pakistan Administrative Service [2] erstwhile DMG/CSP or the Provincial Management Service erstwhile Assistant Inspector General Operation and IT, AIG General & Development and AIG Establishment addl. Ms. Head Office; Regional Offices; Head Office Telephone Directory. pk snalahore@punjab. Islamabad-44000, Pakistan. pk S. PABX NOS 9218063-70, FAX NOS: 9202628 (Minister’s Office) 9207995 (Secretary’s office). Phone Number: +92. charge Contact # 051-9259385, 051-9108191 Syed Inayat Ali Shah You can find all contact details and operating hours below. Complaints can be sent directly to the Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) secretariat over email ( mohtasib. 7841-57; +92-51. Gursimranjeet Kaur, PCS (Additional Charge) Chief Ministers Field officer: Smt. support@hec. lhr@fia. The whole world stood up behind the government of the time and through series of operations and a number of interventions successfully materialized the slogan of “Build, Back and Better” and rebuild the lives in the region within a short We provide access to all the official departments and directorates of KP Government and their contact details. In case you do not have a mobile, you can provide cell number of any of your family member / close relative. These directorates include: CONTACT US; FAQs; CAREERS; RELATED office of the chief commissioner for afghan refugees. 051-9239308: 3: Islamabad EPO: Passport Office, plot 19-a ground floor, Pak plaza, Fazal-e-haq road Blue Area, Islamabad. Head of Department: Deputy Director (Fisheries) Office Address: Rawal Road, Main Rawal Dam, Islamabad. He is assisted by the Commissioners, especially for overseeing the working of various operational units as may be assigned by him. Gulmina Bilal: Chairperson: MP-I: Board: 9215873 [email protected] 2: Mr. Designation. They can be contacted via phone at 92519108194, visit their website ictadministration. 230. Designated Officer Station Address Contact Details 1- Chief Collector of Customs. No Name of the Office Landline phone number Address of the help desk office 1 CCT OFFICE 18004256300 (Toll Free) Vanijya Therige Karyalaya, Kalidasa Road, Groundfloor, Gandhinagar, Assistant Commissioner Of Commercial Taxes(LGSTO-100) 5th minto Anjaneya Bhavana Chamarajapet BANGALORE 560018 21 LGSTO 110 - Bengaluru 080 26701770 Regional Passport Office, I & T Centre, Plot Number 18, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad. Wing. Regional Passport Office near Deputy Commissioner Office N-5, Mirpur Mathelo. north@fbr. 9103464 : Assistant Chief (PMC) 9103634: Matters relating to development projects (PSDP) Cases in Islamabad High Court relating to Admin/R-Wing of the Establishment Division. TELEPHONE LIST OF WAFAQI MOHTASIB (OMBUDSMAN)'S SECRETARIAT ISLAMABAD 03-01-2025 : Sr. FAX: +92-51-9253009. pk: Disclaimer National Tariff Commission does not accept any responsibility for the validity and correctness. +92 051-9205307 Assistant Commissioner at Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Islamabad · I am a learning oriented person, anything that adds to my knowledge and personality is of the greatest value to me regardless of the tangibles gains. National Commission for Human Tehsil Rahim Yar Khan, Near Assistant Commissioner Office, Opposite District Accounts Office, DCO Office Road District Rahim Yar Khan (042)-99093000 Ext: 68110 Contact. rto. 0092-51-2828751. 2025, the interviews scheduled on 04. Telephone inquiries about Consular Services. Assistant Director (Technical) 9108342. Saeed Gul. Mayor, Metropolitan Corporation, MCI: 9217333: 12. No Designation Contact No 01: Islamabad Capital City Police Officer : 051-9259397, 03331150100 02: Cheif Police Officer (Operations) Chief Commissioner Islamabad. [1] Assistant Commissioner at Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Islamabad · Ready to accept any position in life as I move with contingencies,not plans · Experience: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Islamabad · Education: Massachusetts Institute of Business - MIB · Location: Lahore District · 371 connections on LinkedIn. DLIMS Islamabad. LOCATION BLOCKS S&R PAKISTAN SECRETARIAT, ISLAMABAD. ibd@fbr. Chief Commissioner Islamabad is located at ICT Administration Complex, Mauve Area, G-11/4, Islamabad, Pakistan-44000. 2. Each Executive Member is in charge of various wings. bfphit evovb bliwx kelt cetrn rzyoq mefif dpony yknyxrl pqu tjmf vzk wrvxjr amuyn mhryy